blue heron

Blue Heron Web Design

Home About Blue Heron Web Sites Animations Contact Us
Ann Johnson
Raymond J. Kimball

Ann Johnson is a graphic artist, web designer, and teacher. She is expert in many graphics programs, including Photoshop, Flash, and Director. She has won numerous regional awards for her graphic designs. Ms. Johnson teaches in the Montgomery County school system, and has guest lectured in graphics, computer animation and web design at the University of Virginia, Falls Church, VA campus, and Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.

Blue Heron Web Design is a graphics design partnership formed in 2000 by Ann Johnson and Ray Kimball. Blue Heron combines the graphic arts and web design talents of Ms. Johnson with Mr. Kimball's e-commerce and music composition skills, to offer "full service" web design services to business and government agencies.

Blue Heron currently is working on a number of web designs, including a web site on the historic C&O Canal NHP in Maryland.

Raymond J. Kimball teaches web design, E-Commerce, and Computer Science courses at the University of Virginia, Falls Church Campus, and Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland. He is co-founder and director of the Diminished Fifths, a Washington area jazz combo, and is expert in digital music composition and synthesizers. A keyboardist and composer by training, Mr. Kimball plays piano, digital synthesizers, recorder, and, occasionally, percussion.

© 2001 Blue Heron Web Design, Kensington, Bethesda, MD Contact Us; Ann Johnson or Raymond J. Kimball