1974 B.A., Elementary Education and Visual Arts - Ohio Wesleyan University
2001 - Montgomery College Web Certificate
Web Site Design; Set up and manage web site hosting; Design graphics and commercial photographs in PhotoShop; Computer Animation, graphics, animated GIFS, interactive web sites and features using Flash, JavaScript, CGI/PERL, DHTML, CSS, Director, Adobe Illustrator and other programs. Proficient in a number of HTML editors, including Macromedia/Allaire's Homesite, MS Front Page, Director
Guest Lecturer, Graphics, Computer Animation, and Web Page Design. University of Virginia, Web Design Certificate Program, Advanced Web Design, Falls Church, VA Campus; Montgomery College Web Design Certificate, Home Page Construction and Advanced Web Design, Rockville Campus, Rockville, Maryland.
Teach elementary science, K-5, after-school program in Montgomery County Public schools. Also train other teachers in program each semester. Instruction includes basic science skills through hands on experience, science understanding and appreciation.
Branch responsibilities included customer service for both personal and commercial accounts, personal and commercial lending, International Clients, IRA Accounts, Investments, supervising clerical staff, ATM Machines.